Angelic Guidance This Week – from 4th Dec to 10th Dec 2023

The Angel Tarot Cards this week indicate a new life phase. The Four of Summer shows that the early week discomfort and feelings of stagnation prompt opportunity for growth and self-improvement. By midweek, the Sun card signifies optimism, fulfillment, and new beginnings in love, career, and health. The weekend brings the Ace of Winter, emphasizing the need for positive persistence and clear communication amidst challenges. This week motivates individuals towards positivity and self-made change as the new year approaches, with angels guiding the journey.

Hi everyone! Your Guidance from the Angels this week is here, using Angel Tarot Cards. The Angel Tarot Cards this week indicate a new life phase. The Four of Summer shows that the early week discomfort and feelings of stagnation prompt opportunity for growth and self-improvement. By midweek, the Sun card signifies optimism, fulfillment, and new beginnings in love, career, and health. The weekend brings the Ace of Winter, emphasizing the need for positive persistence and clear communication amidst challenges. This week motivates individuals towards positivity and self-made change as the new year approaches, with angels guiding the journey.

Mon 4th Dec & Tue 5th Dec 

In the beginning of the week you feel distracted, perhaps due to certain events in the recent past which have left you feeling hopeless, hurt, discontent or bored. You could be engrossed in thoughts, maybe negative thoughts of self doubt, uncertainty, hurt etc. You may feel that nothing is working out as per your desire or that all is bad. The Angels want to know that this unhappiness or melancholy that surrounds you is not permanent and that there’s something good awaiting you if you get out of this misery, open your eyes and see that blessings are on their way. They’re also asking you to be thankful for all that you have so that the universe opens up the doors of abundance for you. Stop taking what you have for granted and see the blessings of God in everything you have and all that is around you.

  • Love 

If you’re single you could be feeling bored or indifferent regarding your love life. For those who have recently had a break up, you may be feeling that there’s nothing good in store for you in terms of love. Feeling this way is natural. However, this way you could be closing doors for a new and better relationship to come your way. Perhaps there’s someone right there but you have not been able to see them because you’ve closed your heart. The Angels want you to know that when you open your heart to love it comes to you. Don’t allow past experience and the fear of being hurt again to block your path for finding true love in future.

If you’re in a relationship already then there’s probably no excitement in your relationship and probably you two are more like roommates now. Work on communicating with each other about this and try to spend some fun time together to bring back good memories of the past and to revive the relationship. Without any effort from both of you the relationship could be nearing its end.

  • Career

Perhaps you’d be feeling distracted and distant at work. It may be hard for you to focus on the task at hand and this could affect your efficiency and productivity. The Angels want you to know that feeling this way will not help you. If you feel that there’s stangnancy in your career you must first work on lifting your mood. Do things that make you happy. Once you’re in a better frame of mind, you’ll be able to decide what could be the next best step for you. A little introspection to find out what kind of work makes you happy will help you to get a new direction. 

  • Finance

In terms of finance, this card is indicating that you’re too distracted to see the blessings you have. Are you feeling jealous of others for what they have and how well they’re doing financially? Are you constantly comparing yourself with others in terms of riches? The Angels say that not only is this making you ignore all the good things in your life, it’s also creating blockages in your life as you are constantly sending out the energy of lack to the universe. Such a mindset can bring downfall. Being grateful for what you have will increase blessings in your life. Whenever you find yourself comparing your life with others remember that you can achieve a lot by counting your blessings and giving thanks for them, and by praying to God and asking for what you need. 

  • Health

In terms of health this card shows that you are feeling frustrated or have lost hope. It could be that you’ve been stressed mentally and emotionally which is effecting your health now. If you’re feeling that your health may not get restored, this card is saying that there’s always hope. The Angels say that you must not loose hope. Instead pray to God and ask the Angels to guide you to find a solution for your better health. A good idea would be to love and bless your body and see it as beautiful. Remember all that you can do and experience with your body. Your mood is effecting your health and that’s why you should turn your focus on what makes you happy. You cannot change what has happened however not crying over it, not losing yourself and keeping yourself happy is in your hands. 

Wed 6th Dec & Thu 7th Dec

19 – The Sun

After a period of stangnancy and negative frame of mind this card comes as a respite and good hope for future (provided you follow the guidance given by the previous card and work on yourself). The Sun represents feeling of optimism and fulfilment as a new dawn arrives. This card is indicating a new beginning. This card brings you joy and the energy to attract others to you as you radiate the warmth of the Sun.

  • Love

This card indicates joy and fulfilment in your love life. The warmth that you share with eachother creates a beautiful energy that brings blessings into your life. You can expect harmony in your life and you can now work on creating an even closer connection with your loved one. If you’re single, it’s time to step out and radiate your beautiful energy which will attract new love into your life. This could be the romance that you’ve dreamed of.

  • Career

The Sun indicates new beginning, and brings joy, success and optimism. In this period you will feel enthusiastic, motivated and happy. Your good mood will also create a happy environment for your colleagues and others around you. If you’re looking for a new job or promotion, this card is indicating success. The Angels say that your efforts have brought you this blessing, and you must continue to be like an innocent child looking at everything with awe and wonder, creating beautiful experiences in life magically.

  • Finance

You’ll find yourself in a comfortable situation in terms of finance. Gratitude brings abundance, and the Angels say that you must continue to be thankful so that you can recieve more and more blessings. 

  • Health

In terms of health things could be looking up now as you remain positive and start to work on yourself. The Angels say that a new health regime including exercise and healthy diet will lead to significant improvement in your health. It could be that you find another doctor or different treatment which could prove to be better.

Fri 8th Dec, Sat 9th Dec & Sun 10th Dec

Ace of Winter

This card is indicating a challenging new start. It’s not unusual for something new to be challenging and so you must not give you of get distracted. Being persistent and focused will help you learn more as you progress. The Angels say that if you continue working on keeping your energy positive you will be able to see the world around you with a new point of view and for what it really is. Your inner self will help you see through the deception and what really lies ahead, as your intellect increases.

  • Love

Talking to your partner about intellectual issues could be enjoyable and rewarding. At this time (especially in this new beginning) it’s important to talk to your partner about important issues. Be clear and honest while communicating with your partner as you discuss the issues. This will help you both to understand each other and will bring resolution to problems in the relationship.

  • Career

Your new found positivity will help you handle challenges at work with enthusiasm and good ideas. Sharing these new ideas with your colleagues will be encouraging. The Angels say that the positivity you bring with you now will ensure an enthusiastic environment as you gain a clear vision of what you really want to do.

  • Finance

In terms of finance this card brings a warning that you must use your mind and not your emotions when it comes to making financial decisions. If someone (a friend or family) asks you for money, listen to your intuition and don’t make a decision that will cost you heavily in future.

  • Health

This card says that in the beginning you may find a sudden change of regime a bit challenging, however do not deter from it as the rewards of your efforts will be great. The Angels say that at this time prayers, meditation, energy healing work etc., will uplift your mood, energy and and will help in speedy recovery. Focus on the positive and divine health. 

This week the Angels are motivating you and helping you to step into a better future, especially as this year is ending and we’re approaching the beginning of a new year. Let’s begin the new year with great positivity, divine guidance, blessings from heaven and discover a beautiful new life. Our life and all the experience are based on our choices and karma. Nothing is a coincidence. It’s all destined. It’s all written in the book of life by you. 

“You created this life and you have the power to change it!”, says Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael always speaks bluntly yet lovingly. His guidance to the point and definitely life changing. There’s so much that I have learnt from him and the other Archangels, Angels, Deities and Ascended Masters. I encourage you all read the teachings by them and inculcate them in your daily life. You will find yourself happy and at peace by doing so.

I’m sending you lots of love and angel blessings, and I pray that you be able to create a beautiful life for yourself. xoxoxo


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Christinaa Josan
Christinaa Josan
Articles: 7