About Us


Who We Are

Angelic Healing Remedies Pvt. Ltd. was founded by Christinaa Josan with a vision to Achieve spiritual growth with Angel guidance and spread peace, love, and happiness. We assist you on your journey to inner peace and a more fulfilling life, fostering compassion and respect for all beings. Through Holistic Healing Therapies, Angel Card Readings, and Courses, we work with the divine, including Archangels, Angels, and Ascended Masters, to create a beautiful world for future generations.

Meet Christina Josan for a session on Achieving Spiritual Growth with Angel Guidance.

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Having heightened intuitive abilities since childhood, Christinaa had many profound spiritual experiences throughout her life. Her ability to channel & communicate with the Angelic Realm led her to pursue her dream of having her own spiritually based business, where she could help others achieve spiritual growth with angel guidance. Nearly a decade and a half ago, she took on this journey as led by God and the Angels. Ever since then, Christinaa has helped thousands of people across the world, guiding them, counselling them, doing Angelic Healing work, and teaching them.

Christinaa connect’s with the Angelic Realm for guidance and deep and intense healing by them during all her healing/Holistic Healing Therapy sessions. This makes her healing sessions special, as the Angels know exactly what one needs and they love to help those who ask for help. Not to mention, this practice does bring about miracles in one’s life, and a complete resolution of their issues.

Christinaa is a Master of Tarot, Angel Tarot & Angel Cards. Her love for Card Reading began couple of decades ago when she realized that had a natural affinity for the ages old system of divination – Tarot, having being able to decipher the pictures and symbolisms. She soon found herself working with Angels in this area too, as they guided her to Angel Oracle Cards and Angel Tarot Cards. 

Connecting with the Angelic Realm for all her readings, makes Christinaa’s readings very accurate and her session very enlightening. Being an empath and also able to understand human nature deeply, make her client’s very comfortable as they feel understood without any judgment.

For over a decade now, Christinaa has been guiding people and also teaching others to read and give guidance through the Tarot, Angel Tarot and Angel Oracle Cards.HEALING & SPIRITUAL TEACHER

Christinaa is Teacher of Spirituality. She is very open about her thoughts and beliefs and loves to shares her knowledge with all those who’re willing to learn. Being a Reiki Grand Master she has spent years practicing Reiki Healing and helping thousands of people; and taught Reiki to hundreds of students.

Apart from teaching Reiki she regularly conducts trainings and workshops on Tarot & Angel Card Reading, Angelic Healing, Angel Reading, Crystal Healing, Past Life Regression and more.


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