The Gift We Have – Life!

Early morning walk is the best part of my day for me. Starting my day with my excited little pet Simba (my mixed breed Indian dog), who’s always overjoyed to see me awake. Sometimes I wonder if he gets bored at night all by himself, as I’m fast asleep. Usually I see him lying on his back and snoring lightly. By the way he doesn’t like to be disturbed during his sleep (much like me!). So after having some water and then some tea, the moment I step off my bed to put on my slippers, Simba knows that we’re going for a walk. It’s surprising how he can red my mind all the time. He knows when I’m about to give him food even before I start to prepare it. He knows if he’s going to be taken out for a walk. He knows if I’m going to go out for a little bit during the day. He knows a lot of things it seems. I really wonder at his ability to know what’s going to happen next. Animals are intuitive they say, and I have seen many such examples. So coming back to my favorite part of the day, I like it more so because I love to see Simba running about, trying to catch the butterflies, and scaring off the crows and squirrels, rolling on the grass and enjoying himself. It’s such a pleasure!

I’ve always loved early morning and watching the sun rise, as it’s rays fall upon the leaves and sometime they look like they’ve turned to gold for a few moments. Listening to just a few birds chirping right before dawn, and then as the chirping grows louder and so filled with energy, as more and more birds start to fly about. It’s such a beautiful sight watching them play, flying about, chasing one another. Oh! and the squirrels! Can they be left out?! Don’t they just love to annoy the crows and the mynas. We also have a lot of parrots in our locality, and oh are they noisy, and so playful! Sometime I do spot a hariyal (Yellow-footed Green Pigeons) or two, who like to hide in the trees and don’t come down without holding a twig in their foot. To add to the pleasant sights I see butterflies fluttering around (Although their we see lesser butterflies and dragon flies than we used to when we were little children. There were a lot of fireflies too in the night back then. It’s been many years since I saw even one firefly at night. We can blame air pollution for the disappearance of fireflies. I fear that they’re going extinct now. If you have happened to spot one, do write to me here and tell me where you can still see them. It’s sad really, that in the process of progress and advancement of the society, humans are losing quite a few gifts of nature everyday.).

There’s this pleasantness about being in nature early in the morning. An energy that fills me with life, and I go back home with a huge smile and being happy for then starting me day. This is also a time when I get a lot of good ideas and inspirations. A time when I can listen to the Angels, Ascended Masters and my higher self. I receive thoughts and messages from them at this time. However, mostly I’m preoccupied with admiring everything around me. It seems that I just can’t have enough of spending time in nature in the mornings everyday. That’s why I don’t do brisk walking. I prefer to stroll around, watching the ants, some other insects, birds, butterflies, squirrels, cats and dogs. All the plants and trees and flowers looking beautiful. I can’t help but wonder how much love was put in into the creation by God! Every plant, every tree, every leaf, every flower petal, every insect, all the birds and animals, the tall trees and the vast meadows, fields of grass and marshes, rivers and waterfalls, seas and oceans, the hills and the mountains the pulsing of life in every molecule! The perfection with each it’s all crafted! It’s awe inspiring! The entire universe and all it’s stars and planets, and how perfectly they move in sync with everything. The morning reminds me to look forward to another day of life. Life itself! It’s beautiful! It tell some that I have another day to experience the beauty all around me, another day to be inspired and to inspire, another to love and be loved! The morning reminds me of the gift I have in life, and I start my day by giving thanks for everything I have.

A prayer for gratitude.

"Dear God, I thank you God for a good night's rest,
and for waking me up this morning, 
for giving me another day to live in this beautiful world you created.
Thank you for giving me good health and happiness.
Thank you for my home and a loving family.
Thank you for my ever so loving life partner.
Thank you for providing us with everything a good income and all that we have.
Thank you for my job/good business/great career.
Thank you for providing for all that we need.



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Christinaa Josan
Christinaa Josan
Articles: 7