Holistic Healing Therapies

Holistic Healing Therapies

What is Holistic Healing?

Holistic Healing comprises of various therapies/modalities of healing, where the focus is on the person as a whole. These therapies help in healing & preventing health issues, enable spiritual growth, help in balancing energy, mind and emotions, and some of them also help in achieving material goals. The Holistic Healing Therapies we use are energy healing systems and so they have true spiritual essence. Holistic Healing Therapies are not a substitute of traditional medicine, but work and should be sought along with any medical treatment that one needs to take or is undergoing. Being spiritual in nature and having the benefits like altering and enhancing the energy body, our Holistic Healing Therapies are excellent when used along with traditional medicine as they help in faster healing.  

How Holistic Healing Therapies help?

Our body comprises of two parts: physical body, as we see it, energy body, which is not visible to us, and mind called ‘manah’ in Sanskrit. We are, at all times, connected with the entire universe and with our surroundings and to people, by our energy body. Our energy body is a replica of our physical body, and consists of energy centers called chakrasnadis – through which energy flows and reaches all parts of our body, and aura. The energy body affects the physical body and mind, the mind affects our energy body and physical body, and the physical body affects the energy body and the mind; as they are interconnected. Since we are also connected with everything around and the universe we get affected by the energy all around. This also explains the planetary effects in our life. The Holistic Healing Therapies we use help in removing negativity and, balancing and enhancing a person’s energy body, so they  can experience better physical, emotional and mental health, and have materialistic gains too.

Holistic Healing Therapies help in balancing the energy of one’s physical body, energy body, mind, and aura, and in the long run replenishes one’s soul. It helps in various ways. For example: 

  • Increasing a person’s wisdom to make right decisions.
  • Enhancing their aura so they can attract more positivity like material gains, love, joy, peace etc., in their life.
  • Heal physical ailments.
  • Helps in healing mental and emotional issues.
  • Altering their energy in a way that their organs function better.
  • Healing a person’s emotions to help let go of their emotional pain, jealousies, anger, etc.
  • Help a person in feeling compassion towards others.
  • Remove a person’s fear, and increases confidence and enhances communication skills.
  • Help in keeping the physical body strong and healthy.
  • Building immunity.
  • Help in better communication.
  • Heals past traumas.
  • Heals Past Life Issues that are interfering in the present lifetime of a person.
  • Help in balancing Karmas, thus putting a stop to the repetitive pattern or cycle of negative experiences related to a particular area or areas of life; therefore giving an opportunity to a person to make better choices, to forgive, and to learn from past mistakes in order to grow spiritually.
  • Help in removing negative effects and enhancing the positive effects  of planets.
  • Heal addictions.
  • Helps in removing blockages in every area of life.
  • Helps in healing issues related to relationships, money, business, career, education etc.
  • Helps in healing issues related to child’s education like learning ability, memory, fear, stress of exams and competition.
  • Helps in developing and enhancing a person’s inner qualities and talents.
  • … and more…

There are innumerable benefits of Holistic Healing Therapies. These therapies help in changing a person’s life completely and for the better.

Our Holistic Healing Therapies


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