Angelic Healing

What is Angelic Healing?

Angelic Healing is an extremely powerful yet gentle and healing modality, where the healer connects with the Angelic Realm to facilitate healing for their client/the seeker. In this form of healing, the healer takes a back seat and the Angels come to the fore front to heal. Angelic Healing brings about great changes and miracles in one’s life, as the Angels have the power to re-create and alter the reality and situations of a person who seeks their help.

Who are Angels?

Who are Angels - Angelic Healing

Angels are extremely powerful beings of God’s light, love, and power. They can bring about miracles in times of need. It is said that when we pray to God for help, he sends his Angels to us. Angels are beings of very high vibrating energy, and they do not have ego. For this reason they are extremely compassionate and help all those who ask without judging. Since the angels do not have a physical body, they have no limitations and can travel great distances in a fraction of a second. The moment one calls upon the angels for help, they are there. Angels were the first of God’s creation, and it is mentioned in the bible that when God created humans he asked the Angels to bow down in front of them. This indicates that it is the duty of Angels to help all those who ask for their help, and it is our divine right to ask for their help. However, it is important that we treat the angels with respect, as they are always willing to help us at any time, with anything, even though their greatness cannot be fathomed. 

What can the Angels help us with? What can they heal?

Angels can help us with anything and everything we ask for, provided our request is genuine, fair, one is sincere and have faith. Also, since the Angels strictly follow the rule of ‘Free will choice’, it is required that one asks for their help, otherwise they do not interfere or intervene, unless one’s life is in danger and it’s not their time to go. Following are some examples of how/what Angels can help with:

  • Health issues – Angelic Healing can help with bringing about speedy recovery, however proper medical help is always advised. It is not advised to rely only on Angelic healing or stop taking medicines, under any circumstances. 
  • Guiding people to the right doctor/expert and suggesting best treatment.
  • Healing Emotional issues – Angels are excellent at removing emotional pain of course one needs to make some effort and work along with them by focusing on positive, etc.). 
  • Help with finding the right romantic life partner – It is amazing how the Angels lead a person to their right romantic life partner. For example: They constantly send thoughts to a person like telling them to visit a certain place over and over again; and when the person does go there they meet someone special! 🙂 
  • Help a person find more time for themselves and family.
  • Help and motivate to make healthful life changes.
  • Help with having a strong will power.
  • Getting the right job – Angels can help with finding the right job as per the requirement of a person. For example – a job with desired amount of salary, with helpful, accommodating, and friendly co-workers, and a decent boss.
  • Business – Angels can help with business related issues from help with starting a business, getting it up and running, to ensuring that it runs smoothly and there is constant increase in income.
  • Bring about peace in a family, between couples, or siblings.
  • Making a person feel peaceful and calm even during turmoil.
  • Money related issues – Angels can help with bringing money in times of emergency, and also increase one’s income (by getting a person a higher paying job, increase in business and sales, etc.).
  • Protection from negative entities and people – When it comes to protection, no one can do it better than the Angels. Since they are extremely powerful, just their presence is enough to drive away negative entities. The Angels can banish the negative entities, and can even transmute their energy to positive (for those entities who are willing) and send them to a better place for their spiritual growth. When it comes to protection from negative people, the Angels can easily take away their attention from you or keep them away from you otherwise.
  • Legal issues – If one is being wrongly persecuted, or is loosing a legal battle even though they are right, the angels can help by turning the situation around and bringing about justice.
  • Finding lost objects/pets/people.
  • Healing of stray, domesticated animals and pets.
  • Connecting with nature.
  • To learn like a genius.
  • Enhance memory.
  • Increase intuition.
  • Clearing negativity from a person’s physical and energy body, place, items, etc.
  • Energizing and Creating a protective shield around a person/place/item.
  • Finding one’s Life Purpose and helping them fulfill it.
  • Giving creative ideas to artists, writers, etc.
  • Help in balancing Karmas.
  • Help in one’s spiritual growth and learning.
  • Giving courage and strength to speak the truth, follow one’s dreams, face adverse situations and people.

It’s not possible to list everything the Angels can help with, because the Angels really can help with everything! Just ask them for help with a pure heart and sincerity, and they will be more than happy to help you.


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