Connection Between Our Physical Body, Our Energy Body and Mind

Our Body consists of not only our physical body (which is our arms, legs, hands, feet, torso, head neck, etc.), it also consists of our Energy Body (which comprises of aura, chakras, & nadis) also known as Bioplasmic Body or Etheric Body. Our Energy Body is the link between our Physical Body and Mind. So we can say that our mind and physical body are connected, and hence they effect each other. If something goes wrong with the physical body then the mind certainly gets effected, and if the mind is tensed then our physical body reacts to it. Some very simple examples would be the stiffening of body and muscles when one sees a speeding car come right towards them, or breathing heavily when one is very angry, or feeling unhappy or being in a bad mood when one is unwell.

Now we must also remember that our energy bogy is the connection between our physical body and our mind. For this reason if our energy body get’s effected by external negativity, we automatically feel irritable or unwell. Before I was introduced to Holistic Healing and I didn’t know about how to take protect myself and take care of both my physical and energy body, I used to feel very drained and tired whenever I visited crowded places. This happened because I am a sensitive person and back then I would absorb all the negativity in the surrounding and from people around. Sometimes, I would feel drained after meeting a client or friend. After absorbing the negativity I sometimes would feel very irritable and at times get a little unwell. It even effected my work at times. This happens to a lot of people and especially small children. That’s why in India it’s a common practice to remove negativity of a small child. It’s called ‘nazar utaarna‘ in hindi, which means taking off or removal of negativity. Almost every Indian mother and grandmother knows the rituals/techniques of doing this, and they do these rituals often when a child falls ill suddenly or gets very irritable and doesn’t stop crying. Surprisingly it works! In a few minutes or a couple of hours the child feels better!!!

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.”

It’s a very old saying that ‘A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.’ and so when we’re healthy we think right and work better. I don’t know how many of you would agree that your performance at work deteriorated considerably or your business suffered, or financial condition got effected when you were unwell. In my experience most of my clients who have had health issues at the time when they visited me also complained about their work/business/finances being affected adversely. This happens because our physical body is connected with our mind and energy body. So when the body is unhealthy a person automatically cannot concentrate well on work and their performance at work gets effected.

Our energy body plays a very important role in our overall life as it also effects our material needs. The major energy centers of our body called the chakras also affect our materialistic life apart from effecting our health. They affect our business, finance, career, wisdom to make right choices at work front, etc. So when our physical body is unwell then automatically the materialistic aspects of our life get effected too. When the chakras are blocked or have low energy then they start effecting every aspect of our life.

In order to live a happy, healthy, and peaceful life it’s important that we take care of our physical body and also work on enhancing our energy body. By eating healthy and on time we can easily maintain good health and our energy body also becomes strong. Apart from this it’s also very useful to inculcate Holistic Healing Practices in our life like Reiki Healing, Pranic Healing, Yoga, etc., in our daily life. Learning these therapies greatly helps us as they enhance the quality of our life greatly, and we start becoming more and more happy every day and are at peace.

Do let me know if you have any questions or if you want to give some inputs you’re most welcome to leave a comment below.

Lots of love and angel blessings to you all! xoxoxoxo 


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Christinaa Josan
Christinaa Josan
Articles: 7