Angels In My Life

Angels are more popular amongst the people from the west and middle east. The reason is that the religions from the west namely Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam. The holy books of these religions mention Angels and there are stories around them. However, most people don’t believe that Angels are real and that they can come to our aid when we ask them for help, Especially, in the East the concept of Angels is fairly new.

Growing up I heard about Angels in the church and in school during our catechism classes in school. It was always fun to decorate the crib of baby Jesus during Christmas season in school and at home, and we would place statues and small figurines of angels near the crib. Some children played the role of angels in the school play just before the Christmas holidays. We prayed to the Angels of God after school time to the our Guardian to be at our side and to watch over us, guard us, to rule and guide us (I went to a convent school run by catholic nuns).

The prayer was:

“Oh Angel of God, my guardian dear.

To whom God’s love covets me here.

Ever this day be at my side,

To watch and guard and rule and guide. Amen”

Ever since my childhood I did believe that angels are real and now when I recall… There were so many instances when I was helped and even saved miraculously by some divine force. All of those incidents were unbelievable and I wouldn’t have been alive today had there not been a divine intervention. If I tell people about those incidents, they think I’m making it up.

As a child I had many profound spiritual experiences. I could also see things that I couldn’t explain and no one would believe me. In my dreams I got warnings, epiphanies, visions… My dreams were prophetic. I was definitely mostly lost in my own world as a child, and my teachers and other people around me said that was daydreaming. “Dreaming away to glory!” they said. I was mostly quiet and to myself. That was me! Playing along with butterflies, cats, dogs, cows… Animals seemed drawn to me and I to them (this is the case even now).

Since childhood and even till now there are countless incidents and stories that I have about divine intervention in my life. This is the reason that when I learnt that I could connect with Angels and seek their help I totally believed it and was overjoyed. From that day several years ago until now, there is not a single moment when I don’t feel the presence of Angels around me. Ever since I started asking for their help I have seen miracles in my life (although I have many stories of miracles happening in my family members and my life ever since I can remember. And I’m thankful to God for being so kind to us and sending me to lovely people who believed in him and taught me about him, as their child.). First of all, my spiritually based business started to grow and people would come find me from far away places. And even before this my life long fear of darkness and night vanished when I started calling upon Archangel Michael to watch over me, protect me and to remove my fear and give me strength. Then one after another I received divine help in whatever I asked for. Now I call upon the Angels and God for everything! And it’s always very pleasing to see how my prayers are answered.

The Angels have helped me immensely in every area of life, especially in my spiritual growth, in having faith in God, by making me compassionate and caring towards all living creature and giving me opportunities to help and serve them. They have taught me many things and given me wisdom. Their presence around me gives me confidence and strength, and they continuously motivate me and give me great ideas. Have you had any such experiences involving Angels? I would love to hear about it. Leave a comment here or write to me at to tell me your story.  Lots of love and angel blessings to you all! xoxoxoxo 


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Christinaa Josan
Christinaa Josan
Articles: 7