Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing

What is Reiki Healing?

‘Reiki’ is a Japanese word, made of two words – ‘Rei’ meaning ‘Universal’ or ‘of God’ and ‘Ki’ meaning ‘energy’. Reiki Healing is a powerful Holistic Healing Therapy, in which the healer channels the universal energy or Reiki and directs it to the client/seeker to heal them. It can heal any situation or issues related to health, emotions or mental state, relationship, money, business, job, career, education, and anything else that one can think of. Reiki is mostly sent to the client/seeker through the healer’s hands, however the healer may choose to send and sometimes through third eye too. Reiki Healing session can be received in person, or distantly – online over video call, on phone, or using the client’s photograph. There is no limitation to Reiki energy, and thus anyone can be healed by it even over great distances.

Important things to know about Reiki Healing

  • Reiki Healing is a complementary therapy which should be done along with traditional medical treatment, and aids in faster healing, but should be used as a alternative to traditional medicine. One should always get medical treatment done first and then opt for Reiki Healing along side. Reiki Healing helps in relaxing and energizing ones physical and energy body, and so it boosts the cure of ailments. 
  • Reiki is the Universal Energy/Life Force and not the energy of the healer. Reiki is the energy that’s present in the universe and gives life and energy to all beings and  all of matter). It is not the energy of the healer who is performs the Reiki treatment. The healer is merely a channel who is attuned to the frequency of Reiki and transfers it to the client/patient/seeker by channeling it. 
  • Reiki healing has no risks or ill effects. There are no know ill effects reported of Reiki Healing so far. Reiki can do no harm and has no side effects that are dangerous or can cause issues. The only time getting a Reiki treatment can be dangerous is if one visits a non qualified healer with no experience and/or does not truly practice Reiki. In such a Someone may claim to be a Reiki practitioner/healer but instead may be doing something risky.
  • Reiki Healing is not a ‘new age’ concept. In fact lots of energy healing treatments, holistic healing treatments, tarot & oracle card reading, rune reading, etc are termed as ‘new age’ by many people living in western countries, and the reason for this could be that these therapies etc., have recently been introduced to them and was never a part of their culture. Even Shamanism which is centuries old culture of native Americans has gained popularity in the recent decades, as the whole of America was colonized and the actual culture of this continent was overshadowed and considered primitive.  
  • Reiki Healing’s roots in ancient eastern cultures. Far from being new, the concept of Reiki or using energy to heal is way old. This form of energy healing was found by Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan, who was a practitioner of Allopathic medicine in his early days, and later went to a Buddhist monastery to find a more meaningful life. Dr. Mikao Usui developed Reiki Healing in 1920, after his three weeks of fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama, a sacred mountain in the north of Kyoto, in Japan; when he first felt the healing energy. He then started practicing it and later passed it on to his students. After this, Hawayo Takatta, a Japanese-Hawaiian Reiki Master started teaching Reiki in Hawaii 1930’s, and in 1970’s it got introduced to the rest of the United states. From here Reiki became very popular and people from all over the world started learning, practicing and teaching it. 
  • Reiki is not a religion. Reiki Healing is a spiritual in nature. It is not a dogma that one must belief, and one doesn’t need to follow any religion to practice it. Anyone can practice Reiki Healing. It is nondenominational.

Health Benefits of Reiki Healing

Reiki is a complimentary therapy which can be taken along with traditional medicine & treatment, but is not a replacement for it. While lots of research is being done on how this energy healing system really causes benefits to health, studies have  have shown that it definitely reduces stress and helps in pain management. Reiki promotes healthy flow of energy throughout the body via energy centers called chakras’ (Chakras are energy centers is the body which look like wheels through spiritual vision. There are seven major energy centers in the body and many minor energy centers.) and ‘nadis’ (Indian Terminology) or ‘meridians’ (Chinese Terminology) (Nadis or Meridians are tubes or bioplasmic channels through which energy or ‘prana’ flows throughout the body.); and helps to lower stress and promote emotional, mental & physical healing. 

Let’s take an example of pain in the body. Pain is not just a physical condition; but there is also an emotional aspect of pain which cannot be ignored. When someone is in pain for a long time they feel irritable and may sometime even start weeping due to pain. Chronic pain effects the mind and even confidence of a person. When pain is treated by Reiki and the person gets relief, it also helps the person be in a better mood (which definitely helps in all areas of life like relationship with family, performance at work and increase in productivity, and definitely  invites material gains in life this way) and thus lead a better life. 

How does Reiki work to aid in Healing?

All matter consists of energy. The energy or life force that flows through our body is called ‘prana’ in sanskrit. Whatever food we eat contains prana which nourishes our body and mind. Any disease be it physical, mental or psychosomatic it caused by imbalance in energy within us. This imbalance is actually an imbalance of our energy body. Since life force or prana is linked both to physical body and mind, it is a bridge between the two and this explains how the physical body effects the non-physical mind and how the non-physical mind effects the physical body. When the body and mind are both functioning normally and are healthy, it means that the prana is flowing freely and uniformly throughout; and there are no blockages, congestion or depletion of prana. 

Nadis in body
Seven Chakras in body


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